it just as simple as usual .
i was in the angkot to my destination . the angkot wasnt so crowded . only me, a girl (but she'snt d one im gonna talk about) and a man and also a woman (i thought they knew each other) ..
and yes, as i was alone there, i was almost day dreamed, but suddenly i heard the man and woman next to me talked a topic:
"kmaren malem ada kebakaran tuh di sawangan" said the man . i was surprised .
"oh iya tuh, saya juga denger. dimana tuh pak?"
"itu bu, di toko peralatan rumah tangga g disamping tokonya pak haji. yang punyanya orang cina " and soon he added : " emang enak ya tuh orang cina, ngambil lahan di negara kita aja . harusnya semua orang cina kayak dulu tuh, pas jamannya pak harto, ditindakin aja yang tegas . bagus tuh dulu pak harto, jangan kaya sekarang orang cina cuma bikin susah ! kan kasian pribumi "
"iya tuh pak, bla bla .. .. " i wasnt listening the chat anymore, when suddenly we passed the store which was they talked about .. and i was really2 shocked ! that was my mother's favorite store, she often went there to buy anything she want . and I KNOW the chinese couple who own the store . I KNOW how difficult their way to built and to make their store success as moments ago, even i know that they also lived there in their store to not to waste their time, to add their capital, and i know that they have 2 little babies, I KNOW ! and i almost cried, i was angry with
the man next to me, how dare he talked so mean about them ! how underestimating he was ! and my biggest question is WHERE IS HIS SYMPATHY? he knew that the chinese couple has just faced a really hard disaster . and where is his heart ?
we shouldnt stereotyping people like their ancient behaves . we're not our father . and i believe that people have the same status in front of God, no matter if theyre chinese, javanese, aborigin or so on .. but only from the point of being good in God's overview ..
1 komentar:
it just simple quite same with people who said "si Jawa, si Padang, si Batak" . i mean, even we're an indonesian, we still cant leave those rasial things.
i've heard joke bout chinnese, that indonesian like to punk them with "ih, kecil-kecil udah china" . then i think, 'so what?' but that just a joke .
but, maaaaan the most racist country i've ever know is malay. with how they called as 'Indon'.
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