On the August 21st , I attended PSAF (like a kind of OSPEK) held by Senat FKUI. There, as OSPEK in usual, I got sooo many tasks, senior shouting, uniform attribute etc .. but one thing I remember the most is one session of seminar in the PSAF which invited Kak Herjuno Ardhie, or Adhie (sorry kak) as the spokesperson. He, who is actually a member of BEM UI which is soo damn rare (because almost no one in FKUI wants to actively take part in the university BEM) talked about the student movement.
For sure, that was the most interesting session and the one I most appreciated to, at first, but in the middle of the seminar, until the spokesperson delivered the entire presentation, I was getting disappointed.
What I got from the presentation was: the spokesperson wanted to give us doctrine that the way for student, including the undergraduate students, to make a movement is only by joining AKSI. Or mass demonstration, for sure.
Sorry to say, but I definitely disagree with his presentation. I personally don’t think that AKSI is the best way to deliver people’s aspiration. Being in a mass in the street, or in front if the DPR/MPR or the local government office, shouting the yell, causing traffic jams .. I really am sorry with this, but who can guarantee that their voices were being heard by the government?? I mean, writing a letter to the government was actually can’t give us any guarantee that our aspiration will be heard by the government, but it significantly saves energy, time, and money, for sure.
I am not telling you that dislike those people who do the AKSI, noo .. I totally appreciate their effort to deliver people’s aspiration, I am also not a passive student at my school and campus who hate the things they do, as a matter of fact, I am definitely a student activist in my school, I love organizations, youth movements, etc .. but I just have different perspective if what a student movement is.
For me, student movement is not always proved by AKSI. People who say that the only form of student movement is AKSI, only made the definition and essence of students movement so damn secluded. Student movements for me is including everything the youth do for a better quality of people’s life. It doesn’t have to be that big and sensational like AKSI, it may reach only the scoop of local community, but in instance, it has to touch the society for its aim and beneficial for them. And also it has to be INSPIRING. A great student movement is the one which could inspire other youth to also take parts in the movement.
Let me give you some nice examples of student movement; Have you heard the Indonesian Youth Conference?? It’s a true and inspiring story of a girl named ALANDA KARIZA, who gives her dedications and efforts to make a conference which attended by youth representative from all over Indonesia, which seems so unreachable to be done by a 18 years old girl, manifested.
Nowadays, there are also many youth community that struggle for the sake of society, that give their efforts to make programs, events, and so on, all of them proved us that there are still lots of students that care enough for improving the society welfare and development.
See, so it’s clear enogh that AKSI is not the only way for students to get involved in the movement towards a better Indonesia !!
4 komentar:
haha.. gw kira tadinya "student movement" --> pertukaran pelajar.
ketuker ternyata sama "student exchange"
baru ngeh pas baca, ternyata PERGERAKAN MAHASISWA. :D haha
Tapi sekedar info aja, pergerakan mahasiswa ga sekedar aksi ke jalan loh. :) ada yg namanya advokasi, ada juga yg bantuin anak2 jalanan, itu masuk ke pergerakan mahasiswa juga. jadi, jangan gampang nerima aja ya!
gw juga bukan orang yg demen aksi, walaupun lingkungan FKM terkenal akan suka aksinya. haha!
sama kayak kak norman..
tapi daripada AKSI yang kayak gitu, mending kita nonton AKSI aja taun depan.
anw gue setuju sih fat, menurut gue AKSI ga jamin bakal didenger sekalipun. so keep inspiring each other aja wkakak
wo ho!
lagi iseng blogwalking ternyata mampir ke blog fatma juga hehehe..
kan udah diklarifikasi kan??
terus menulis ya fatma, semangat!
aduh kok sekarang saya yang jadi malu dibaca postingnya sama kak juno, hahahaa
iya kak uudah diklarifikasi panjang lebar kok, makasih ya kakak :)
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